Current Podcast Episodes & More
Kimberly D. Scott, former “Video Girl” turned Podcast Practitioner, is an entrepreneur with a passion for helping others and having conversations about life experiences and Dementia. Currently seeking interviewees for both podcasts below.
Caregivers Stories Podcast hopes to “break the Dementia Cycle” by educating those who will listen to how dementia affects caregivers and build awareness of being prepared for Dementia by having that tough conversation with your loved ones, “what if you live and can no longer take care of yourself.” Dementia is a SYMPTOM of many diseases and according to Alzheimer’s Disease International, it is estimated that there will be around 82 million people suffering from Dementia by 2030. The mission is to raise awareness for Dementia Caregivers. If you are interested in being on Caregivers Stories podcast, click link to schedule a time to podcast: clicking here
Industry LIVE Podcast, is a “VERBAL tennis match” where Kimberly asks industry professionals (in ANY industry), and 4-5 questions about their industry or passion plus her guests share a little advice to their younger self.
Email questions to kimberly@marketingdoer.com or schedule a time to podcast here:
Podcast Available On Many Platforms
Also listen on Amazon Alexa!
Search "Kimberly Scott" in their Alexa App or on Amazon.
After hitting "enable", you will be able to listen to all episodes of your podcast, on demand, from any Alexa device (or their phone), anytime they want! They just say, "Open Kimberly Scott Podcast", and it'll automatically play your latest episode. They can then navigate between episodes by saying "previous" or "next".
Industry Celebrities Podcast

CareGivers Stories: Breaking the Cycle of Dementia